Some of my more engaging projects!

Preview html files by pasting their url into the search bar Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header When Site A tries to fetch content from Site B

Guitar Effects Automation Using Subsequence Dynamic Time Warping
Modified subsequence dynamic time warping feature detection using pure data implemented in python

Data Structures Interactive Learning Hub
Big O notation is the language we use for talking about how long an algorithm takes to run. It's how we compare the efficiency of different approaches to a problem.

Learning Redux
React Redux provides a pair of custom React hooks that allow your React components to interact with the Redux store.
Potluck Planner
Potluck Planner If you have ever tried to organize a potluck through text messages, online to-do lists or spreadsheets, you'll understand why this app is essential.In the world of social gatherings and potlucks the "Potluck Planner" is king. This is your place for all things pot luck.

Zumzi Video Conferencing
Features: Live Streaming, Screen Sharing, Fine control over all video & audio parameters and user permissions, Supports video streaming at various resolutions: Standard, HD, FHD and 4K, Group Chat, One-to-One chat, Invite Participants